Our Services

What we offer

Tshebedisano as a funeral Society provides:

  • Hearse
  • Family car
  • Coffin
  • Crockery
  • Tent and chairs
  • Acquiring death certificate at dept of home affairs
  • Undertaker services
  • Grave equipment
  • Funeral pamphlets on request
  • Booking of grave
  • Removal and care of the deceased
  • Care and conservation of the deceased
  • Mortuary facilities

Free for policyholders

  • Removal fee at government mortuary
  • Cooling facilities
  • Registration of death

Optional Extras

  • Toilets
  • Buses
  • Wreaths (fresh flowers)

Funeral Policies

  • Affordable plans for funerals, cremations
  • Funeral plans for families and pensioners or individuals
  • Waiting periods from six months
  • No medical examination needed
  • No HIV/Aids exclusions
  • Payout with 48 hours
  • Funeral cover R5000.00
  • Main member, dependants, extended families R220 per month.

All funeral policies are underwritten with RMA - Rand Mutual Assurances.

Plan a Visit

Visit Us

186/8 Klipriviersoog Ext 1, 3 Tool Street 1816

Contact Us

011 980 6297 / 082 679 0739


Open Monday to Saturday: 8am – 5pm
Saturday: 8am – 3pm